Hello. I have posted here to ask for information about household international movers to Liechtenstein. I am planning to move there from New York City, New York, in the United States, and would like to have this completed by the end of next month. Can your company meet my scheduling expectation? My current home is a two bedroom apartment that is on the 8th floor. So there will be some work involved in moving my possessions to your truck. Each bedroom is full of furnishings as is my living room. I should let you know that my living room tables are glass, so they must be handled with great care. Do you provide packing services? Do you also guarantee that my furnishings will arrive undamaged at Liechtenstein? How soon can your company begin working on this move? Will your company be the only company I work with on this move? Or will you contract a different company once my belongings arrive in Europe? Send your company's information to this email address. That way I will notice it when it arrives. Thanks.